Wednesday, February 25, 2015


2013               R             1hr 59m

Accused of murder, Ig Perish wakes up one day to find he's grown a set of horns -- compelling people to confess their sins to him. More HERE!

I was very excited when I saw that this was on Netflix. Stumbling around the horror movie trailer section of YouTube a while back I saw the trailer for this and wanted to see it. I guess I kind of forgot about it because before I knew it, it popped up on New Releases.

All I really knew from the trailer and quick synopsis is that Ig (played by Daniel Redcliff) is accused of killing his girlfriend and grows a pair of horns. That sounds pretty cool to me. Not the girlfriend killing, but the horns. So, everyone thinks he killed his lady and is so torn up about loosing her, he tries to dull the pain with drinking. Evey one in his town and reporters just looking for a story assault him with insults and calling him the devil and it starts to manifest. He wakes up one morning with small horns starting to protrude from his forehead. After that, it all goes a little weird and truthful. He very quickly discovers that all the people he talks to know speak their minds, revealing dark, secret, inner truths. People admit to wanting to kick kids, wanting to show their dick to everyone, and his mother even reveals that she thinks he killed his girlfriend and wants him to leave and not be her son anymore. 

Using his new horny powers he talks to people to try and figure out who killed his lady. The movie had a few surprises and it wasn't boring and predictable. I even got a little weepy at the end. No surprise there. I cry at everything. I'm all, "Oh my God, a squirrel." *tears*

I give this movie 4 Horny Daniel Radcliffs. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Breaking Bad

2011       TV-14     Season 4

Emmy winner Bryan Cranston stars as Walter White, a high school science teacher who learns that he has terminal lung cancer and teams with a former student to manufacture and sell high-quality crystal meth to secure his family's future. More here!

Breaking Bad is very popular and with very good reason. The story is just plain great. As much as I love the story I have to admit I can only take this show in bites sizes. A bit of en episode here, some there, and a little more over there. it is so dark and so much happens that is terrible, sad, disappointing, upsetting, horrible, and just plain bad. It really ruins my mood if I watch too much in too short a time.
This latest season, 4, was just as good as the previous ones. Jesse and Walt are cooking meth, trying to survive, and live their lives. The thing that stuck with me most this season was the change in Walt. Obviously he has been doing questionable things, doing illegal things, and has been changing. but, this season he really takes a sharp turn into darkness. 
I really can't say too much about the show because I will give something away. So much of the show is building off of little things. It is all stacked up.
netflix gave Breaking Bad 4.5 stars and I give 4.5 meth cooking fellas.


2011        NR      Season 1

Adapted from the Australian TV series, this unconventional comedy follows the surreal experiences of Ryan, a deeply depressed man who becomes convinced that his neighbor's dog Wilfred is actually a man wearing a costume. More at Netflix!

I am not even sure why I really picked this to watch but I did. I guess perhaps because I like Elijah Wood. He is super cute and I loved Lord of the Rings. The synopsis looked cute so I clicked play. I was just enchanted by this show right from beginning to end. The moment the show ended I said, "I liked it too much". I didn't want it to end. The character Ryan played by super cute Elijah Wood is so scared to live and tries to off himself. After it does not work he starts seeing his neighbors dog,Wilfred, as a fella in a dog suit.
Wilfred is just the funniest. I love his doggy logic that he explains and tries to apply it to Ryan. I also love all the fart talk. Wilfred being a dog is really into butts and farts. He is always sniffing butts and farts to find out about people. He can tell so much from so little. It is really funny. I also love how matter of fact he is about everything. He just lays it out there. Wilfred also has a large stuffed animal bear that he humps constantly and has a strained relationship with.
I can't wait for the 2nd season and will watch it as soon as it is up. Netflix gave Wilfred 4.4 stars and I give it 5 sloppy imaginary doggy kisses.

Grave Encounters

2011       NR     1hr 33m

In this horror flick, the stars of a paranormal-investigation TV show spend the night in a derelict psychiatric hospital, hoping to uncover what's been going bump in the night. As their cameras roll, they find themselves trapped -- and hunted.
More here!

Netflix recommended this movie to me since I enjoyed movies like Behind the Mask and Tucker and Dale Vs Evil. I was in a mood for a spoof/making fun of movie last night so I fired this baby up. I really like to watch the ghost hunting shows because of how ridiculous those people are. I am a super skeptic when it comes to ghosts and the lot but I want to believe. I want there to be more and be things we don't know about. In all the shows I have watched I never seen anything that is unexplainable.
Anyway, It started out like most of those shows do. introduce you to the ghost hunting crew, show off the "haunted" place, and set up for a spooky night inside. I have to admit I actually got a couple shivers from this movie. It was not funny/spoofy, it was just a scary movie using the ghost hunting premise. It shows the footage that the crew shot. You follow them along their journey of having little strange things happening to all out ghosts killing people. I really enjoyed the ending but I feeling I had seen it somewhere before in another movie. 
Netflix thought I would like it 3.5 stars and I liked it 4 scary fake ghosts.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles

2011     NR     1hr 26m

For three decades, strange plaques with messages about resurrecting the dead have mysteriously appeared on streets throughout North and South America, prompting director Jon Foy to seek out the story of their origin. From Netflix!

I am not exactly sure why I decided to watch this movie but I am very happy that I did. It kind of stuck with me. I caught myself telling people about it and telling them about how great it is. The subject matter is really interesting, the music is great, and the story that the movie tells is compelling. 

The movie follows Justin Duerr, a man who is trying to solve the mystery of the Toynbee Tiles. Starting in Philadelphia tiles were spotted all over the city. In the middle of the roads and other places there are tiles that say...
Toynbee Idea
In Movie 2001
Resurect Dead
On Planet Jupiter
No one knows who is doing it, why, and what it means. Justin Duerr tries to solve the mystery. He follows all the leads that he has taking him all over and talking to everyone. For the first part of the investigation I didn't think they were going to find the person responsible for the tiles but the further in they got, the more I thought they could and would. I really wanted to find out. It was captivating.
Here is a trailer of the movie. I think it will better convey the movie than I could.
Netflix gave this movie  3.8 Stars and I give it 5 tiles. Woo!

I Shouldn't Be Alive

2010     TVPG    2 Seasons (3 & 4)

From the harsh Australian Outback to shark-infested seas, real stories of near-death experiences, bravery, endurance and pure miracles are recounted with interviews and reenactments in this documentary series about survival against all odds. From Netflix!

This show came as a recommendation to me from my sister in law who I am pretty sure watches as much Netflix as I do. I think between the two of us we will watch everything on there by this Wednesday. We were talking about something on Netflix and she told me about this show that had an episode where a woman who falls and breaks her pelvis while running in a canyon. She is stranded for days while her dog stays by her side. My sister in law got all teary eyed just telling me about it and I cried a little bit watching it. I am not afraid to admit that I cried, I cry a lot. Boom.

Each episode tells the story and does recreations. The recreations are pretty good too. Sometimes they are a little cheesy or bad looking but this show does okay. There are stories about getting stuck at ocean, in the woods, in blizzards, on rivers, and everything in between. They cover it all. It is one of those shows where while you are watching it you are just thinking about what you would do in the same situation. I am pretty sure I would have died in most of them. Especially in the ones where people get lost at sea. I am pretty scared of the ocean and almost everything in it. Not sharks so much but, everything else. Fish, parasites, jelly fish, and so much more. Also, I burn easily.

I am going to talk a bit about me and not so much about Netflix for a little bit. People make fun of me because I carry a large and somewhat heavy bag at all times. I like having certain items with me when I go out. Somethings are the obvious items you would expect to find in a girls purse; wallet, keys, chap stick, and tampons. I also like to have some items to entertain me; book, mp3 players/ear buds, phone, Kindle Fire, and my moleskin sketch pad. Now, the next items are the thing that would keep me alive or at least give me better chances of living in these terrible situations. Swiss Army knife, little flashlight, mirror, bottle of water, gum and candy, tissues, paper and pen, little scissors, tweezers, and a lighter. 
That is just what I carry with me on an average day. If I were to ever go on a hike or anywhere I would prepare to the extreme. I find with this show people are in trouble because of a few things. One, they don't bring a cell phone with them. Two, they don't bring any or enough supplies. Not this girl.

So, watch an episode or two and think about what you would do if you were stuck in a blizzard or swept out to sea on a tiny rowboat. Netflix gave it 4 stars and I also give it 4 large bags filled with life saving items.

Bear Nation

2010    NR   1hr 17m

This intriguing documentary profiles gay men known as Bears -- often thickset and hirsute homosexual males who revel in their masculinity -- as they break stereotypes and search for love, friendship and acceptance in America and Britain. More here!

I was browsing through the movies with nothing in particular that I wanted to watch and this movie poster and title caught my eye. I saw the words "From the makers of Small Town Gay Bar" and I knew I wanted to watch it. Being a fan of Kevin Smith and his podcast, SModcast, I was familiar with his friend that he has on his show, Malcolm Ingram. Malcolm is one of his close friends and often comes on his podcast and freely talks about being a Bear and being gay. He is very funny and I really like listening to the 2 of them talk. They are just the funniest. Malcolm has directed 3 movies. The last 2 pertaining to being gay.

I watched Small Town Gay Bar quite some time ago here on Netflix and it was great. (I really recommend you give it a watch) I really enjoy movies where I can learn something about another lifestyle or learn about other people. Bear Nation taught me a bit about the Bear community withing the gay community. All the interviews were interesting and heartfelt. Just like any group of people that have an interest, quality, or aspect that make them different there is something to be learned. Just like any other niche there are many details, rules, and dynamics. There are Bears, large hairy gay men. And there are people who are attracted to these men and their type in particular. It sounds so cut and dry but there is much more to it. There are different types of bears and differing opinions.

The movies shows you different Bears in their home towns and also at conventions. I think conventions are the best things ever for being around like minded people who enjoy what you do and spending time together. It was great seeing the hotels that they were staying at just bursting with large hairy guys. Not only are they able to attend cons but there is a thriving presence on line. It is nice to have a place that you can go on line even if you don't have any close or local people that you can meet with. 

I don't want to give too much away so I won't say anymore so you can really enjoy the movie. it is really short so it is an easy watch and they keep it pretty light hearted. Netflix gave it 3.2 stars and I give it 4 big, hairy, gay men.