2010 G 102 minutes
In this installment of the Pixar animated franchise, toy cowboy Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks), his astronaut pal, Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen), and their friends cope with their owner's departure for college -- and their new home in a day-care center. Joan Cusack, John Ratzenberger, Don Rickles, Michael Keaton and Ned Beatty also lend their voices to this delightful sequel that earned a Golden Globe Award and an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film.
Info From Netflix!
Last night my husband and I weren't at the top of our game what with him being sick with a cold, me being sick with a stomach ache, and both of us being crazy tired. We didn't want to play anymore Minecraft so we hunkered down and fired up Netflix. We just wanted to watch something easy so we started up Toy Story 3. We both have fond memories of the first movie and he also enjoyed the second one. I didn't really expect much from the third and I have to admit I thought it was just a cash grab. I was wrong. This was a super cute movie that Pixar put time and effort into.
All of your favorite characters are back and some new fun ones join the crew. The new toys really stole the show for me. I loved the jelly octopus, the rock guy, and Ken were amazing. Being a girly girl along with a tomboy I really loved Barbie and Ken. The story of Ken and Barbie really kept my attention and I found myself wanting to see more of them. Ken is a style obsessed guy in this movie and I imagine he would actually be like that in real life. There were a couple outfits that I had for my Ken doll and I spotted them in this movie.
The humor is well done, it kept my attention the whole time, it didn't feel stale, and I even felt a little weepy at the end. Also, towards the end Buzz gets put on Spanish mode and it is fantastic. Netflix gave this movie a 4.5 stars for me and I agree whole heartedly. 4.5 Stars!