In this installment in the popular horror franchise, a bachelor party in
Las Vegas turns into a hellish bloodbath for all involved. As the groom
and his friends try to escape their sadistic tormentor, they're
subjected to a multitude of horrors. More at Netflix!
I love it when there is a successful scary/horror movie and it does really well so they make a sequel, and then another, and another, and another, and so on. The more movies the "better" they get with each one. Hellraiser is a perfect example. This 3rd movie is just what I like. It follows the formula of the first Hostel movie, but it is just in Las Vegas instead of Europe. A group of friends get caught up in the game of rich people loving murder.
The thing that makes this movie different is the murdering. It is not like the first movie where rich people are murdering people for fun. This time, it is a gambling game. Rich people make bets on how people will react with they are tortured. Because it's in Vegas! Get it? Ehhhhhh? Clever?
I don't want to give too much away but the people in this movie die in some very interesting ways. One fella gets his face cut off, another has many crossbow bolts shot into him, and my favorite. A girl gets tied down, sprayed with some soft of liquid, has bugs dumped on her, and then they all run into her mouth and I guess choke her to death.
Netflix gave this movie 3.3 Stars and I give it 3 dead Las Vegas strippers.
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